Eating my elephant

We’ve all heard it before, but it truly is amazing what a bit of forced ‘down time’ can achieve. I have been off work or on reduced hours since late January – initially as a planned break, but then as a forced reduced commitment through illness.

Having to be less invested in my employment has been a revelation for me. Hard fought change, and I wouldn’t recommend my path to anyone, but if you are looking for upsides, reducing stress is surely a big one.

I have been able to put in a bit of time on updates to this site (still not fully up-to-date, but getting there – latest progress reports under Building progress), I’ve revisited my drawing skills and started developing a cartoon, I’ve weeded, pruned and planted in my tiny garden, I’ve helped Richard when I can on creeping our build forward, and I’ve begun more regular mindfulness practice (yeah, me, mindfulness!).

The coin toss was my cancer diagnosis in February, but the real kick-off was probably the 10 days forced rest in hospital and the weeks of (bored, bored, bored) recovery that followed at home.

So, here I am, finally nearing the end of my treatments and looking forward to having it all behind me. I know, even when I return to full time work, and life settles back into my ‘new normal’, that I will not be the same person I was when 2017 began. And that’s not a bad thing.

I have had no choice but to eat my elephant one mouthful at a time (learning that sometimes you just need to go with the flow), but I will be eternally grateful for Richard, my family, my devoted friends and work colleagues, and my medical team for not having to eat it on my own (learning that the only thing that is actually important in this life is the love you give and the love you receive).

Read more about my current circumstances on Personal journey

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